Caring Conversation
facilitating ~ rejuvenating ~ inspiring
Insightful Support & Guidance
​What I offer is a safe space with a loving presence for you to be seen and heard. Sometimes being able to empty oneself out of feelings, thoughts, fears and emotions is clarifying. Active listening and intuitive reflections are offered to help you connect more deeply with yourself or with another. If you're struggling in a friendship or relationship, I can help hold the energy of a safe and sacred space to honor what your heart wants to say creating a bridge to connect more deeply while respecting differences. Many clients have said they feel relieved with a renewed respect for themselves and their relationships.
Contact me if you'd like to connect by phone, skype or in person, about anything you'd like support with!

Heartfelt Women's Circles
In a Women’s Circle, we create an intimate space through heartfelt listening, vulnerable sharing and ongoing support of who we are. Spiritual reflection, mutual empathy, emotional feelings and wisdom of the heart are all part of the Circle. It can be both refreshing and inspiring!
Women’s Circles are arranged by request of a gathering of 4 women or more. Call to join or create a circle.
Christine facilitates Women's Circles for the Women's Wellness Retreats at Grass Lake Sanctuary. Visit for details.

"I observed how the parts of me that felt nervous or frozen simply melted in the face of unconditional love felt from Christine. Her clear and loving words help another discover for themselves their own intuitions." ~Annette
"I can trust her and relax with her, be open and honest with her... And I always experience her as real. She has a broad range of skills to communicate and relate to others. " ~Kathleen
Personal Retreat - A Time for You
​A Personal Retreat is a private sanctuary time just for you! Created especially to nourish your spiritual essence and to deeply unwind the busyness of life’s stresses. Get centered and reinvigorate your heart’s knowing. It can be anything that you need which may include journaling, reflective peer to peer sessions, intuitive body treatment, silent reflection... It's a personal transformative space.
Group Retreats - A Time for Connection
Group Retreats include the sacredness of Women's Circles together with the components of a Personal Retreat experience, all combined with the energy of the group. Women's Retreats are arranged by request for 6 or more women. Contact me for joining other women on a scheduled retreat or for hosting or facilitating your group retreat.
Tropical Oasis
​If you're coming to visit Palm Beach County and you need a comfortable and supportive space to stay, my spacious home, attended lovingly by my husband is a Tropical Oasis and a welcoming place to come to! We provide the tranquility and deeply healing space to rejuvenate you on your journey.

"I absolutely loved staying at Chris's very comfortable and welcoming Tropical Oasis." ~Kelvin

Women's Retreats
"I loved the reflective time to unwind and be quiet. It was so healing listening to the tropical breezes & watching Nature. I left feeling rested and peaceful inside." ~Susan